Serenity quiz.

Entertaining. I’m either a leader, or a psycho killer. Runner ups, psychotic or a fighter pilot. Wheeeee!

You scored as Capt. Mal Reynolds. The Captain. You are the captain of the ship, so the crew are your responsibility. You just want to do the job, get paid and keep flying. Why is that always so . . . → Read More: Serenity quiz.

Yo momma


I had fun for a while asking people who had read the Harry Potter books as what character they thought of themselves, and then as which character they thought their friends perceived them. I thought that I mapped pretty well with Snape. Snide, harsh, good at what he does, spends too much time in the . . . → Read More: Busted


Come to Kenya…

Careful, it’s a mind virus…

Self reference

This is funny.

I particularly like the “Push to test” “Release to detonate”