From this morning:
Poll: Most doubt Bush has plan for Iraq victory
Why in the bloody hell would I care what most Americans think? Most Americans think that non-white people carry the mark of Cain! Most Americans think that it’s all in good fun to beat up the weakest kid in the room … just to make themselves feel less pathetic. Most Americans mirror the feelings of most humans: Fear, greed, lust, hypocrisy, and hatred.
They might as well dedicate a headline every day to saying “Yup, we’re still stupid!”
Worse, this feeds into the continuing delusion that popular beliefs have any bearing at all on objective reality. Let’s call it the “Peter Pan” theory. Under this theory, it actually matters how many children clap their hands as to whether or not Tinkerbell starts flying around again. It’s the same goddamn delusion that leads school boards to teach creationism (well, some people believe it … so it must be valid somehow)!
Who cares if anyone believes the crap that the administration is spewing?
There seems, finally, to be some reluctant recognition even among Republicans that Iraq is a world-historical clusterfuck, a Class 5 shitstorm, a total quackmeyer. But, they counter, who knew? Who suspected, in 2002, before the invasion, that the “intelligence was flawed” [that they didn’t know what they were taking about], or that the administration’s “claims were exaggerated” [that they were lying]? Who could have known that an insurgency would arise, that the occupation would turn into such a nightmare?
Well, me, for one. And all my friends, actually. And also, come to think of it, the hundreds of thousands of other people who filled the streets and wrote letters to their elected representatives and local papers. It was always clear to me that the Bush administration was throwing up a smokescreen of whatever rationales they thought would work, and was stating adamantly as facts and certainties what were only suspicions.
Focusing on what people do or do not believe about this crap does nothing but distract from the actual issue of how many soldiers have died over there, and for what reason. I never believed their crap, I still don’t. Nothing short of congress growing a pair is going to stop this war, and every pair that congress has grown is firmly in the war-profiteering, slimy hands of the vice president and his henchmen.
But maybe, just maybe, if we all clap our hands and believe … maybe it’ll be different this time.
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