HA! Yes! ***boogie boogie boogie*** Never before has a flush been so satisfying!
I came home to the fact that the plumbers have completed* their work and connected my master bathroom to the main drain via the new pipe. In celebration (and also because I just barely made the train home, and so was in a certain amount of need) I completed my evening ablutions.
Fwoooosh! The flush was powerful and vigorous. The whirlpool developed, and all detritus was swept away! I am SO HAPPY that we were correct about the flush being “outflow limited” before. I even got my metric of success on the whole deal, the elusive but oh so important “blorp blorp” that indicates a complete exchange of dirty water with clean.
I even convinced them to install the garbage disposal “while they were at it,” which was where this whole long sad process started.
*completed: Except for some tidying up and insulating, which will be fine.
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