You’ve got pictures!

Okay, I’m grumpy today.


Whenever my friends and family send me a link to a shared album through "You've Got Pictures," I'm stopped by the message that I must use the Netscape browser to access their pictures.

If this is because of a technical difficulty, youur web design team should be fired. Their inability to make a site that works with any browser except Netscape is evidence of incredible incompetence.

The other option, that this is a deliberate choice, is even worse. Why bother to put a product online and then, right off the top, cut your market 90% or so?

On reflection, it's probably the latter. I sense some hare-brained idea about forcing consumers into using the Netscape brand of AOL. The fact that your company would deliberately break your online service so as to force me to use a particular browser is insulting and infuriating. You're making the world a worse place. Please stop it.

If you want people to switch to Netscape as a browser, make a better product. If you want people to use your online service, make it easy to use.

Either way, you've got a pack of imbeciles loose in the headquarters. Best to root them out before they make any more decisions.


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