I had this amazing (to me) set of thoughts going, all in the same direction. They included:
* The fact that Shaker and early American Christian Utopian “intentional living” communities like the Shakers mirror Zen Buddhism in all but the most boring and minor of details.
* A clear and coherent set of policies that, taken together, represent a political philosophy that we could all live with … and those same shakers could have lived with them as well.
* Some very coherent and precise predictions for technology and its effect on society over the next 20 years.
I totally blew my own mind, talking to the steering wheel this evening. I was just about to write it all down. However, instead of writing that post, I went out and got sushi (here in Hampton Roads, VA) and had a beer. Now, being far too stupid to save the world, I’m going to bed.
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