So, my web site is totally FUBAR now. I’ve spent a couple of hours on the phone bouncing between The old resistrar and the new one, and it will hopefully be resolved in the next several days.
I allowed my registration with to expire, before initiating the transfer to Once the registration expired, moved all my records into an “expired” hell. This meant that the perfectly functional server I have sitting around to serve web pages and email is *still there*, it’s just that the internet doesn’t know how to route requests to it.
What I *should* have done at that point was to cough up the $35 to re-up my registration and make it “active” again. Then, I could have initiated a transfer with the thing in a working state. Instead, I started the transfer while it was FUBAR. Apparently, once you initiate a transfer, nobody can mess with the name servers until the transfer is complete. Further, transfers take “5 to 7 days, as clearly shown in the service agreement, sir” to complete. So, my server is in purgatory until that penalty time has elapsed.
Nobody at either company can tell me exactly what is being done that requires a wait of 5 to 7 days. Is it that only Teresa has the keys, and she’s only in on Tuesdays? Gah. I got irritable enough to play dumb and ask the guy on the phone if transferring the domain involved, like, shipping something on a truck … and if I could pay for overnight shipping or something. He was amused, but said “no, it takes 5 to 7 days, sir.”
Gah. Useless. At least I bought $600 worth of lumber for the deck. It gets delivered on Wed.
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