Composting is a good use of a weekend day. I mowed the lawn when we got back from Haiti, which generated two heaping piles of clippings. Lacking any leaves or a handy-dandy bale of hay, I shredded up a bunch of newspapers and layered them in. This worked amazingly well, and I’m now the proud owner of a compost heap that steams when I turn it. It’s hot to the touch. Aw, hell yeah.
So I mowed again today, despite the drizzle, and also cleaned a bunch of stuff out of the storage space behind the garage. I’ve decided it’s time to just throw that crap away, one stealth-run to the dumpster at a time. Old siding, pieces of plumbing, rusted pipe, two non-functional wheelbarrows. How did I come to own all this crap? I’m only 30, and I work with computers for heavens sake!
Also bought supplies for having peeps over tomorrow. technolope, capital_l, and Len are planning to drive down. Supplies include Sangria-makings and pesto makings. There was a sweet looking recipe in Cooks Illustrated for pesto-pasta salad which sounded pretty kick-butt.
Planning to go climbing with Dustin tomorrow morning at 10am. That’ll get me home in time to prepare for the onslaught.
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