Just watched “Ong Bak”, which is an unmitigated piece of genius filmmaking.
Seriously. Genius. Go watch it.
It’s a kung-fu flick. Follows the classic arc “young man trained in martial arts, promises never to use them, but has to fight to protect his villiage.” The protagonist (named “Ting”) has mad gymnastic and martial skills, and really gets into the elbows and knees. Good stuff.
In vaguely related news, it was sparring night at my gym, and I got to go three rounds with a 19 year old, per the usual plan. He was quick, but I managed to throw him at one point. Somehow, I suffered a cut on my arm, along with the usual bruises up and down my arms and legs. I take it as a good sign that I no longer come out with bruises on my head and body quite as frequently.
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