As I mentioned in an earlier post, my parent’s kitten was recently struck by a car and killed. My mom, being a sensitive sort, and having given a lot of thought to Buddhism in the past several years, sent a brief email note to the office of the Dalai Lama asking if it was appropriate to say the same prayers for the kitten as it would be for a human in a similar situation.
Within 24 hours she received a personal and thoughtful response:
Dear Susan,
I want to acknowledge receipt of your email sent to the Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama dated 24 April 2006.
I am sorry to hear of the loss of your kitten. It is definitely appropriate to say prayers and mantras for a good rebirth for your kitten. I am not familiar with the practices that are explained in the Tibetan Book of the Dead. It would be very good if you made wishing prayers for your kittens rebirth and said some mantras for him as well.
If you would like to get in touch with a qualified Buddhist teacher to discuss this more, the Office of Tibet in New York, our official representatives in the USA, can help you get in touch with one. Their address is:
The Office of Tibet
241 East 32nd Street
New York, NY 10016
Tel: (1-212) 213-5010
Fax: (1-212) 779-9245
All the best,
Rinchen Dhondrub
I’m frankly stunned. I look at our current US government and try to imagine them even making a response within 24 hours, much less a thoughtful and personal one. And then, just when I think, “nah, world leaders just don’t give a damn about the little people,” I hear about this. Imagine, if you will, sending a similar note to the office of the pope. Or perhaps to the office of your world leader of choice.
There is hope. Good, thoughtful people exist in the world. There is a better way.
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