I’m at the Tremont Plaza in Baltimore. The rest of the consulting gig went well (though exhausting) and I wound up eating sushi and drinking my very favorite beer late into the evening. Today, I drove south, arriving in time for a crabcake lunch at the inner harbor. Albert is doing well, and showed me around all the recording studios at Peabody, including the most badass mixing console I have ever seen in my life. Turns out that the whole campus is densely wired, such that you can patch into any microphone feed from any of the recording rooms. They even set up a video feed to the various concert halls, with a preset zoom/point coordinate such that they can visually inspect the microphone attachments / patches by remote. Sw33t.
This evening, we went to the little Irish pub around the corner from the hotel, and the live music was none other than Shamus Kennedy, the same guitar player / singer I used to go watch in Old Town Alexandria a decade ago. His show is pretty much identical … still entertaining and a little bit steam-roller-ish.
Now, I believe I shall go fall asleep.
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