** bleary ** Is it the weekend yet?
Still building the cluster in New York. 71 compute nodes, and a nice little 3.5TB SAN (storage area network) for the data. Today we finally got the last of the machines to image (by physically moving disks around … how un-civilized). I’m currently beating the crap out of the SAN, trying to make it fall down. This involves pushing large amounts of data back and forth, monitoring things like temperature and system logs. Wheee.
Had an exceedingly good night out with capital_l and a colleague who does basically what I do for a living. It was good to laugh and talk with people who get it when you say things like “so then he had to re-run his whole 9 chromosome analysis because the alias file wasn’t synced right! Bwahahahahaha!” This put me on the dead last train back from Boston (midnight from south station). I got home at around 1:30. Feeling a little tired today.
My high school apparently thought it would be a good idea to leave the alumni mailing list open to all posts. They sent out a solicitation for money, which has created a “please remove me too” storm from alums as far back as ’81. Lovely. 1993 called, they want their list admin practices back.
Tonight is sparring night at the gym.
Tomorrow, I fly down to Baltimore to hang with my brother for an evening.
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