Guilty pleasures

There’s an idea running through my little LJ community surrounding “guilty pleasures.” It’s been suggested that I participate. The idea as it arrived at my door was this:

Ground Rules:
The first player of this “game” starts with the topic “5 Guilty Pleasures” and people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about their 5 Guilty Pleasures as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names.

I’m choosing to ignore the requirement of naming the next people to play. Make up your own minds.

1) Sleeping much later than redmed
2) Cheapo, formula rock
3) Calling people while I’m driving and having them entertain me to my destination
4) Playing hooky from work by lighting a fire and reading a book.
5) The occasional cigar

Seems, on reflection, that I feel very little guilt about much of anything. I’ll take that as a good thing.

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