Canning my sauerkraut this evening. While I’m happy to share the beer experience with anyone who wants to come down, salted cabbage is still sketchy (and smelly) enough that I do it solo and late at night. This stuff has been fermenting in a crock for about two weeks. Cabbage and salt. Plus time. That’s it.
The canning procedure is different than most stuff. Instead of bringing the mix to a boil and then plopping it in jars in the boiling water for 5-10 minutes, you fill the jars to about 1″ from the top and set them in a water bath up to the shoulders of the jars. You then heat the water to boiling, which causes the kraut to expand and “urp” into the water. Ick. Once you’re close to boiling, you wipe the jar lids, put on the rims and lids, and add water to cover them. After that it’s a 30 minute process.
Smells like salted cabbage in here.
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